Jacob Meyer MUUS and Juliane Mathiasdatter TEITERUD
The family tree is the most accurate I have at this time. I received the following genealogy information from many reliable sources. For the sake of privacy and identity protection, I will not list the names of any living people. If you come across this page, and you believe you are related, you may contact me. I am more then willing to share my research with those who are related to us.
To help you read the genealogy charts, I have put maiden names in ALL CAPS and traced the bloodline in bold type. A husband will be noted by "h." and numbered if there was more then one. The same rules follow for wife ("w.").
You will notice that I still have gaps, especially the newer generations. Also, some born and death years are missing, and I'd be interested in learning more about those. If you have any of these dates, please contact me.
I hope you enjoy what I have so far, and please let me know if you have any questions or would like to help with the project. christina@muus-kinnoin.com
His 10 Children
Johanne Karine MUUS 1874-1874
Johanne Karine MUUS 1883-1889